Download technical documents,  general documents and product datasheets

Attached please find some of our documents as pdf files low resolution for download. Feel free to contact us for printed versions.

You will find the datasheets and milling parameters on the respective product pages.

Technical documents

Click here for information about technical documents.

Casting resins for concrete cavity replica
Casting resins SG 500 series: flush installation in laminate worktops
Composites resins
duranity: The PU casting resin for climbing holds
ebablock® P 185 block material
ebacryl – how it works
ebacryl laminate system
ebalta product overview
Flyer customer reference AGN Composites with ebaboard EP 138
Flyer customer reference Penta with ebaboard EP 180
Flyer ebablock®
Flyer ebaboard 0700
Flyer ebaboard 0800
Flyer ebaboard 1220
Flyer ebaboard EP 138/139 – EP 120/180
Flyer EP Modelling Pastes P28 & P29
Foundry pattern making
Infiltration resin IH 16
Low pressure RIM castin systems
Machinable tooling materials
Vacuum casting systems
Vacuum infusion ancillary

General documents

Click here for download of general documents.

AEO Certificate
ebacryl certificate of flame-retardancy
General terms and conditions
ISO 14001:2015 certificate
ISO 9001:2015 certificate
Purchasing conditions
Sustainability requirements


You will find technical data sheets and milling paremeters in the table below. You can use the search box to find the appropriate datasheet.

Adhesive 552
Adhesive apricote
Adhesive beige
Adhesive blue
Adhesive brown
Adhesive for ebazell
Adhesive green
Adhesive light grey
Adhesive orange
Adhesive yellow
AH 100 / D
AH 100 / GL
AH 100 / TG
AH 100 / TGL
AH 100 / TGS
AH 110 / GL
AH 110 / LI 20-1
AH 110 / TG
AH 110 / TGL
AH 110 / TGS
AH 110 / TL-1
AH 120 / GL
AH 120 / LI 130-2
AH 120 / LI 20-1
AH 120 / TC 60
AH 120 / TG
AH 120 / TGL
AH 120 / TGS
AH 120 / TL-1
AH 140 / LI 130-2
AH 140 / LI 20
AH 140 / TC 60
AH 140 / TC 90-2
AH 150 / IP 25
AH 150 / IP 430
AH 150 / IP 55
Ancillary for vacuum infusion
Bonding agent HV 55 / PUR 1
Casting resin blue
Casting resin green
Casting resin light grey
Casting resin orange
Colour paste black
Colour paste blue
Colour paste brown
Colour paste climbing holds
Colour paste green
Colour paste red
Colour paste white
Colour paste yellow
ebablock® 1050
ebablock® 1220
ebablock® 1400
ebablock® 920
ebablock® K 08
ebablock® M 007
ebablock® P 185
ebablock® W
ebaboard 0600
ebaboard 0700
ebaboard 0800
ebaboard 1050
ebaboard 1200
ebaboard 1220
ebaboard 1400
ebaboard 1700
ebaboard 1750
ebaboard 400
ebaboard eco 610
ebaboard EP 120
ebaboard EP 138
ebaboard EP 139
ebaboard EP 180
ebaboard L-2
ebaboard PW 920
ebaboard W
ebacryl coupling paste / TGL
ebacryl coupling paste / TGS
ebacryl L-1 / EM-1
ebacryl O-1 / SP-1
ebacryl Paste P-1
ebalta soft
ebazell 160
ebazell 260
ebazell 80
EGM PU 21/30
Fast adhesive AD 51
Fast curing modelpaste
GH 705 / TL-1
GH 706 / GL
GH 730 / BR
GH 752 / TL-1
GH 760 / GL
Glass filament fabrics
GM 1914 L+S / Comp. A + B
GM 2310 L+S / Comp. A + B
GM 708 / PUR 4
GM 727 / Comp. A+B
GM 956 / GM 956-30
GM 956 / GM 956-45
GM 956 / GM 956-60
GM 956 / GM 956-70
GM 956 / GM 956-80
GM 956-90 / Comp. A+B
GM 965-40 / Comp. A+B
GM 965-55 / Comp. A+B
GM 965-70 / Comp. A+B
GM 968 / Comp. A+B
GM 971-75 / Comp. A+B
GM 971-85 / Comp. A+B
GM 973 / Comp. A+B
GM 979 / PUR 1
GM 984-1 / Comp. A+B
GM 984-2 / Comp. A+B
GM 986-2 / Comp. A+B
GM 987-2 / Comp. A+B
Graphite paint
HFG / PUR 11
IH 16 / hardener fast
IH 16 / hardener slow
KP 6 / BR
KP 6 / TGL
KP 7-1 / TM
KP 8 / Comp. A+B
LH 22 / GL
LH 25 / Resin+Hardener
LH 28-1 / TM
LH 30 / Resin+Hardener
MG 321 FR / Comp. A+B
MG 321 FR-S / Comp. A+B
MG 331 FR / Comp. A+B
MG 425 / PUR 19
MG 426 / Comp. A+B
MG 453 / Comp. A+B
MG 453 GF / Comp. A+B
MG 703 / Z 400
MG 707 / Z 400
MG 804 / Comp. A+B
MG 804 / MG 804-1
MG 804 GF / MG 804-1
MG 804, 804 GF / MG 804-1
MG 807 FR / Comp. A+B
MG 815 / Comp. A+B
MG 815 / MG 815 FR
OH 11 – hard / PUR 1
OH 11 / PUR 3
OH 33 / H 2017
OH 38 / H 2017
OH 38 / HM
OH 4 / H 2017
OH 49-1 / Comp. A+B
OH 6-1 / H 2017
OH 82 / TM
P 22 / P 22
P 28 / resin + hardener
P 29 / resin + hardener
Pore sealer
Primer for Wax sheets
PS 02 / BRI
PS 02 / BRIL
PS 03-1 / PS 03-1 L
PS 05 / TL-1
PS 08 / TL-1
PU 05 casting foam
PU 10 casting foam
PU 20 casting foam / Comp. A+B
PU 61 FR
Release Agent 17
Release Agent 1711
Release agent PVA
Release agent T 03-01
Release Agent T 1-1
Release Agent T 2
Release Wax T 7
Repair paste EP 138
Repair Putty
Repair putty beige
Repair putty blue
Repair putty brown
Repair Putty green / Comp. A+B
Repair putty light grey
Repair putty orange
Repair putty yellow
Sealer 02
Sealer 09
SG 130 / PUR 11
SG 130 L / PUR 11
SG 131 / PUR 11
SG 197 / Comp. A+B
SG 2000 / Comp. A+B
SG 2000 L / Comp. A+B
SG 2000 S / Comp. A+B
SG 2015 / Comp. A + B
SG 700 / PUR 5
SG 700 A / PUR 5
Silastic® RTV-3481
Silastic® RTV-3487
Silastic® RTV-4131 P-1
Silastic® RTV-4136 M
Silastic® RTV-4234 T 4
Silastic® RTV-4250 S
Silicone casting compound 25
Silicone casting compound LM
Wax sheet normal 64°C
Wax sheets special 130°C